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National Pet Dental Month

pet-dental-101February is National Pet Dental Month. Statistics show that up to 80 percent of dogs and cats over the age of three suffer from dental disease. Bad dental hygiene causes more than just bad breath. Dental disease can cause a number of serious health issues for pets, including infections that can lead to kidney failure and deadly viruses.

The first indicator of dental problems in a pet is usually bad breath or excessive pawing at the mouth. Do a visual check of your pet’s gums to see if they have tarter build-up, gum inflammation or broken teeth. Increased drooling and reluctance to eat, chew or play are other signs that your pet may have a dental problem. If you notice any of these signs, pay a visit to your veterinarian to have your pet checked out right away.

The first step to pet dental health is prevention. Preventative dental care is fairly easy and can prolong your pet’s life, health and happiness. If you introduce tooth brushing early in a puppy or kitten’s life, they will become accustomed to it and it will not be a struggle. If your pet is older, introduce it slowly to get them accustomed to having their mouth touched and work on it regularly until they are comfortable enough for a full brushing.

Purchase toothpaste and a toothbrush that are made for your pet.  Fluoride in human toothpaste is toxic to animals. Look for a paste with enzymes that clean your pet’s teeth safely. You can also purchase dental wipes to give your pet’s teeth a quick daily clean between brushings.

Pay close attention to the type of bones and toys you give your pet. Look for treats and toys that are made specifically to promote dental health.  Some toys can help floss your pet’s teeth and wipe away tarter. Many toys and treats advertise their dental benefits on the package. Also, be sure that toys are made from toxin-free rawhide, nylon or rubber.

Finally, if you suspect your pet has a dental condition don’t wait it out. A simple check by a veterinarian can save you and your pet from complications and pain in the future. Dental problems can be costly and the earlier you being a prevention and care routine the better.

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